
Christmas Day

I had a really good Christmas this year.

We added a new baby. We call her Baby.

Of course I had some food.

I opened a few presents.

And I walked Baby. What a day. I was so exhausted. Baby and I had to take two long naps and still went to bed early.


Gearing up for Christmas

We attended the Alliance Christmas Party last week and Mommy and Daddy were so upset to miss the McNicoll Christmas Party. We're praying for Connor's little leg. We love you Connor!!
Gotta finish our Christmas shopping now, only a week left!!


Santa Visit

I got to spend the day with Santa. We ate cookies and sang songs with all the other little kids too.


Happy Turkey Day

We had a great Thanksgiving with all of my grandparents and a half of the great grandparents. I had so much yummy food and Mommy turned one year older.

Here's a sneak peak of the Christmas card.

The whole gang.

Just the girls.

GG taking me walking


Trunk or Treat

We went to Trunk or Treat at the church. There were so many people!! I was a cheetah and Mommy was my zoo keeper. I wasn't too excited about the hat but I think I was a pretty good sport about it. GQ & Grandma Lew made balloon animals for all of the kids there. It was really a pretty fun night.


Leggo My Eggo

My absolute favorite food these days is an Eggo Waffle!! Mmm, so good. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.


Pumpkin Patch

I love pumpkins and boy have I gotten my fill lately! Maybe Mommy's love for fall just rubs off on me. Carmen took me to the pumpkin place last week and on that success Mommy and I loaded up to meet the McNicoll's for a day of fall fun. Warm fall fun. Connor and I had a blast playing will all of the pumpkins. I couldn't decide which I liked the best so we only went home with two mini pumpkins, just the right size for me to carry!


I'm a Year Old and Can Cry If I Want To

I saw Miss Angela yesterday for my 1 year photo shoot round 2. We tried to do it last week but I really didn't feel well then. I wasn't in much of a mood yesterday either but she took my picture anyway.


Bye Bye Disney World

When we went home on the airplane there was bad weather and they sent us to Waco to sit on the plane for a few hours. I was good I swear!! I had such a good time. I can't wait to go back to Disney World!


Magic Kingdom Round 2

While they were at Hollywood, my Grammy K and Pop took me to Magic Kingdom where I rode Dumbo and Peter Pan. Grandma Lew, Mommy and Amy met me later.
They took me to see Minnie's house.

Hollywood Studios Round 2

My family headed back to Hollywood Studios without me.

They wanted to ride Toy Story while I took a nap.

Somehow my grandma and aunt Amy got suckered into riding Aerosmith, a really fast roller coaster that goes upside down. They survived (barely).


First Birthday

We went out for my birthday dinner where I played with Haleigh and I opened some presents.


We headed to Epcot on my birthday.

I enjoyed riding in a seashell with Mommy for the Nemo ride.
I really liked checking out the real Nemo in the fish tank.
Then I hung out with my Grandpa Q so everyone else could go on Soarin.
That was okay with me as long as I had GQ and Nemo.


First Step

Hollywood Studios

We went to Hollywood Studios where they took me to see Beauty and the Beast on stage.

I loved watching the dancing and listening to the music.


Animal Kingdom

The first full day, after breakfast with Minnie and firends, we headed to Animal Kingdom where we saw Lion King on stage.

Aunt Amy took me to the petting zoo.

Haleigh and I played while my mommy and daddy went on a big roller coaster.

My great grandparents even came for a visit.

I was so exhausted by the end of the day!