
Stick Horse Racing

Mandy and I got to ride in a stick horse race.

 I fell off of her at one point but we ran a good race.  There was some stiff competition though.

I had some good fans rooting me on!


I'm Not 3 Anymore. I Feel Old.

We celebrated my 4th Birthday Saturday.  We had so much fun with so many fun guests!  I have the BEST friends and family.  We definitely let down our hair.

Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair...

 Mommy decided to make me a Rapunzel costume.
 I loved trying it on during the process, asking when it would be done.
She was always "getting there."

It turned out so great!  I felt like Princess Rapunzel.  I can't wait for my next trip to Disneyland!


Early Birthday Gifts

 Gwynne and Roger sent me a birthday present on Thursday.
 Gwynnie said I could open it early so it didn't get lost in the excitement of my birthday.
 That was probably a good idea.  I was so excited to get TWO new Abigail books.
And beautiful new pajamas.