

Meet Levi. He's my Tuesday boyfriend. Aunt Kim watches him sometimes so we have occassional playdates when I'm at Grandma Lew's house on Tuesday.

This was taken a month or so ago.
Last Friday we had a special playdate at the park.
He drove me around in a blue car. He's so cool.

Then we went on the slide together. It was a little scary so Aunt Kim had to help me.


Baby Dedication

Us babies at the Met are being dedicated on May 17th. I would love all of my friends and family to attend my special day bright and early at 9:30am.

Who can resist this face??



I'm a Mav's Fan For Life but a Laker's Fan For Gwynne. Check out this website - I'm kinda a celeb!http://cbs2.com/slideshows/Lakers.Fans.Photos.20.746731.html?rid=55


Bathtime is Fun!!!

One of my favorite pasttimes is bathtime.

I got this new towel for Easter. It's way bigger than the others so I like it!!
Payton Joined the fun too.


Bunny Ears and Easter Dresses

Today I celebrated my first Easter. I got all dressed up in my new dress for church and then we went to GG's for supper and the Emmert's for an egg hunt. I don't think it was fair that all of the older kids got to find Easter eggs but I didn't. Mommy said I can go searching next year.


Brac Attack's 1st Birthday Party

We went to Brac's first birthday party today at his house. It was great. I got to see Brac and his friends and family who are so nice!! They made homeade french fries that were so delicious!!! Happy Birthday Brac!


Golfing with Daddy

Dad took me to the driving range for the very first time on Wednesday. I had fun watching him but I got very distracted by Minnie Mouse and Cheerios. Maybe in a few years I'll be able to get out and hit the ball with my very own clubs.

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Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Today is my daddy's 1st birthday!! Well, his first birthday with me anyway. That's how Mommy wants to count birthdays from now on. Although, doesn't that make Mommy older than Daddy? She's already had her first birthday.


Knitted Hat

My Great Aunt Jodie made me this beautiful hat.  When she first sent it to me it was a little big but my 75th percentile head is growing into it.  I got to wear it this past weekend when the crazy Texas weather decided to turn cold again.  I'm hoping it will fit still next winter so it can be seen in many more photos.