
Easter 2013

 We celebrated our Risen Savior with what else but baskets and eggs. 

Tyler thought the eggs were balls that needed to be thrown.  Once he tasted the candy, he really wanted to eat it all!


 I really loved hunting for eggs.

Grandpa Q had to help me with a few.

 We always love to see our friends!

 We even got to go swimming!


Hutson Wedding

 We went to Krissi and Cas's Wedding!

I got to be a flower girl!

 I danced just like a ballerina.

I had so much fun with my cousin Luke.

I loved being in Krissi's wedding.


Mardi Gras at the Lake

 After the Shower, we went to a Mardi Gras parade. 

 My cousin Luke and I got to be in the parade.  We rode with Uncle Scott and Pop in the firetruck.
Mommy, Tyler and the girls watched as we rode by. 

 Then we jumped in the truck to watch the rest of the parade go by.

 Tyler got lots of beads.

Then Luke and I rode around on our tractor.

Krissi's Shower

 Grammy, Mommy, Tara and I threw a bridal shower for Krissi.

She'll officially be my aunt in less than a month.


Disney World Round 2

I got to go to Disney World...again.  I really do think it's the Happiest Place On Earth (except maybe during nap-time)
 I had such a great time with all of the family!

 Tyler got his very first haircut at the Magical Kingdom
 My favorite part was meeting my twin, Merida.  Everyone kept calling me Princess Merida everywhere I went and I was so excited that they knew exactly who I was!

It sure did wear us out though!