
9 Month Photo Shoot

Miss Angela sent us a sneak preview of the photo shoot from a couple of weeks ago. There were several good shots. She is a very talented photographer. Plus I have on the dress and flower that Miss Carmen made me. Mommy says I'm lucky to have such talented people in my life.


First Boat Ride

I took my first boat ride a few weeks ago at Grammy K & Pop's house at PK.
Daddy let me help him drive. I'm an excellent driver.

The lake was still a little too cold to dive into so I just put my feet in. I have since been back to swim and loved hanging out at Sand Island with the locals. I'm looking forward to a great 4th of July at the lake.


Thanks Great Aunt Gwynne

My Great Aunt Gwynne sent me this pretty blue dress all the way from California. Thanks Gwynnie, you really are a GREAT aunt! I love you!!!

Mommy & Me at the Park

Mommy FINALLY took me to the park today. I've been several times with Grandma, Kim and even Miss Carmen but Mommy has never managed to get me there.

I liked exploring

Mommy took me down the slide, weee!

I loved the swing, with the wind in my hair!!

It was such an awesome morning, I didn't want it to end.


My Godsister's Baptism

Saturday, we drove down to Temple, TX to be there for Kaitlyn's baptism. Mom and Dad are her godparents so I guess that makes her my godsister. She looked so cute in her pretty white dress and didn't make a fuss when her uncle Jayce poured water over her head. She must like bath time as much as I do. We had a great time riding down with Mr. and Mrs. Gross. Congratulations Kaitlyn on the great occasion.